Our Proposals

We were happy to have secured a resolution to grant in April 2024 for a new, high-quality purpose-built student accommodation scheme (PBSA) on the site of the current Majestic Wines warehouse at 42 Hastings Road..

Our plans will provide:

  • A part-17, part-14 storey building
  • 412 student bedrooms
  • 35% affordable student rooms
  • High-quality architecture in a highly sustainable location
  • Significant internal and external amenity spaces
  • A new commercial unit
  • Improvements to the public realm along Hastings Road and Drayton Green Road
  • Biodiversity net gain and an Urban Greening Factor of 0.4

By providing new high-quality student bed spaces in this location, we can help to alleviate the pressure on existing HMOs in the local area, releasing some of this traditional housing to families.

Only a short walk from West Ealing station, 42 Hastings Road is in a highly sustainable location, giving residents easy access to both their universities and central London.

The proposals will also deliver a net gain in biodiversity, and an Urban Greening Factor of 0.4 for the site through generous landscaping and provision of external amenity space.

After submitting our planning application, we engaged with Ealing Council officers and made changes to the scheme based on local feedback.

Some of the major changes made to the scheme include:

  • Reducing the number of student rooms
  • Reducing the maximum height of the building
  • Amending the massing to integrate better with local context, including a three-storey street block fronting onto Hastings Road
  • Developing the design at street level to integrate with the row of shops currently on Drayton Green Road
  • Increasing the amount of amenity space per student