We are proud of the work that we have done with local residents and Ealing Council officers to design a scheme which will be of significant benefit to the local area.
Some of these benefits include:
- Alleviating pressure on HMOS, releasing traditional housing for families
- Assists in meeting Ealing’s housing targets
- 35% affordable rooms
- Refined massing and materials
- 412 total student rooms
- Replacement commercial floorspace
- Repairing street frontages on Hastings Road & Drayton Green Road
- Active frontages
- Effective landscaping strategy
- Biodiversity net gain
- Urban Greening Factor
- Biodiverse roofs, bird & bat boxes
- Car-free development
- All servicing on-site
- Highly sustainable location
- No overlooking to the East
- Considerate to potential future development
- Optimised visibility from key viewpoints
- Slimmed-down footprint
- Revitalising an underused brownfield site
- Central courtyard space
- Rooftop garden
- Approximately 1,016m2 of internal and external amenity
- Job creation during construction and operation
- Business rates, CIL and S106 income
- Student expenditure locally